The key for location-based service popularization in vehicular environment is security and efficiency. However, due to the\nconstrained resources in vehicle-mounted system and the distributed structure of fog computation, disposing of the conflicts\nbetween real-time implementation and user�s privacy remains an open problem. Aiming at synchronously preserving the position\ninformation for users as well as the data proprietorship of service provider, an efficient location-based querying scheme is proposed\nin this paper. We argue that a recent scheme proposed by Jannati and Bahrak is time-consuming and vulnerable against active\nadaptive corruptions. Thus accordingly, a postquantum secure oblivious transfer protocol is devised based on efficient NTRU\ncryptosystem, which then serves as the understructure of a complete location-based querying scheme in ad hoc manner. The\nsecurity of our scheme is proved under universal composability frame, while performance analysis is also carried out to testify\nits efficiency.